Curriculum Vitae

»At the end of my study of architecture at the University of Ljubljana my final paper connected three things that drive me in life: music, architecture and physics. When I was taking violin and flute lessons during elementary school, I never thought I would be using knowledge gathered there my whole life. My taste in music was of course very eclectic. From Gallus, Beethoven, Philip Glass to Bob Marley, Mutabaruka, Black Uhuru, Youssou N’Dour, Ali Farka Touré, Clash, Ramones, Sex Pistols and Njet. This was not the taste of an average teenager in the 80s.
In the attic of the Faculty of Architecture, I have spent more time that would be necessary but I have really enjoyed working in the promising “Group” (Polona Šušteršič, Tadej Glažar, Arne Vehovar and Aleš Vrhovec). For our achievements and realisation of our project during our time at the university, we were awarded Plečnik award for student work. When it was time to pick the topic for my final thesis, I was working on speaker stands and so I came in contact with the field of physics of sound and vibration. The result is not just speaker stands that still support speakers in my living room, but also a graduation thesis on architectural acoustics.

Architectural acoustics has been with me my whole professional career of 25 years. Since my first professional project in Stražišče in the year 1992 to many interesting and challenging project where I participated as an acoustical consultant.«